UAE telecommunications service provider - du, from Emirates Integrated Telecommunications Company, and Nokia successfully demonstrate 5G capabilities through a virtual reality (VR) game at GITEX Technology Week 2018 in Dubai. Visitors at the event are able to experience the high speed and low latency of 5G through a football-related VR game.

Read more: du and Nokia demonstrate new VR 5G use case at GITEX 2018

Middle East Fiber Cable Manufacturing Co. (MEFC), together with its Japanese partner Fujikura Ltd., held a seminar and technical workshops primarily within the Saudi Telecom Group as one of the actual efforts emanating from its strategic partnership through the Saudi Telecom Company to promote the local content “RAWAFED”.

Read more: MEFC and STC announce consolidated partnership to promote local content program

Alfa, managed by Orascom TMT, launched IPv6, which makes trillions of IP addresses available to its subscribers. This release comes within the framework of Alfa's future vision and strategy for the development of the mobile sector in Lebanon. It addresses the challenge faced by Internet users with the IPv4 release and namely the scarcity and depletion of IPv4 addresses.

Read more: Alfa launches IPv6 to improve subscribers’ experience

Visitors at GITEX Technology Week this year can experience live 5G experience, download 4K HD video content, even witness the future of mobility with the world's first flying car Pop.Up Next to make a presence on the Etisalat stand.

Read more: Etisalat showcases world’s first flying car at GITEX Technology Week 2018

du, from Emirates Integrated Telecommunications Company (EITC), announced an extension of its deep strategic relationship with the World Government Summit through unveiling the much-anticipated 'Government in 2071' Guidebook Experience at GITEX Technology Week 2018.

Read more: du presents GOV2071 Guidebook Experience at GITEX Technology Week 2018

Ooredoo has signed an agreement with Shell Oman Marketing Company SAOG, the leading fuel marketing company in Oman, to provide network solutions, as well as high quality and reliable telecoms services to their network of 187 retail Service Stations, strategically located throughout the Sultanate.

Read more: Shell Marketing Oman selects operator as its digital solutions provider

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