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Customers nowadays expect to have their needs addressed at the earliest convenience, which typically means immediately. How will AI and automation continue to disrupt enhanced customer experience in 2024?

Whether it’s regarding a complaint or simply updating an ID for account verification, automated tasks are a must to retain and satisfy customers. In the consumer realm, there is a collective aversion towards enduring extensive waiting periods and navigating through cumbersome document submission processes for the completion of routine procedures. With AI and automation combined, processes become more seamless, understandable, and efficient.

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Modern Customer Service

Faster response times, reduced customer friction, and expanded service hours and channels are the key advantages for an AI-powered customer service. Moreover, personalization can be done as businesses gain a better understanding of each customer’s historical, social, and behavioral data.

Product recommendations are catered as a result of data analytics. The more the user interacts with a brand—within an app for example—the algorithms can continuously learn and improve, anticipating the customer’s behavior and providing highly relevant outputs. Consequently, each customer's journey establishes a deeper personal connection, fostering heightened levels of loyalty and trust.

Almost all companies, brands, and even government entities have implemented chatbots and virtual assistants into their operations to quickly resolve problems and provide common support inquiries. This saves time for both the customer and employees when responding to FAQs. Otherwise, urgent situations can be rerouted to automated tickets based on the topic.

Furthermore, automated employee surveys and feedback forms can easily identify areas for improvement on both sides of the interactions, promptly knowing which areas are performing and which needs to be amended.

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Key Areas to Shape Customer Experience

Long gone is the era of enduring tedious wait times and repetitive exchanges with customer service representatives. Envision a scenario where live website or app chatbots, empowered by advanced AI technology, are poised to provide round-the-clock assistance to customers. These digital helpers not only provide immediate responses but also guide users through complex processes with ease. Meanwhile, automated email systems ensure that every customer query receives a prompt and personalized reply.

However, that's just the tip of the iceberg. Interactive voice response (IVR) systems revolutionize customer calls, seamlessly directing inquiries to the appropriate department and minimizing wait times. Self-service facilities empower customers to find answers to their questions independently, providing information at their fingertips whenever they need it.

AI-powered tools also delve deep into customer data, enabling companies to craft tailored messages that resonate with each individual. Thanks to natural language processing (NLP) and sentiment analysis, communication not only becomes clear, but also becomes emotionally resonant, forging a deeper connection with customers.

Predictive and prescriptive analytics take things a step further, foreseeing future outcomes and prescribing the best actions to achieve them. With AI-guided journey mapping, companies also gain invaluable insights into the customer experience, pinpointing pain points and optimizing processes for maximum efficiency.

In the competitive arena of pricing strategies, dynamic pricing based on data analytics ensures that companies stay ahead of the curve, adapting to ever-changing market conditions with agility and precision. And for a truly immersive experience, virtual try-ons and augmented reality (AR) transport customers into a world of interactive engagement, revolutionizing the way they interact with products and services.

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Telecom Perspective

Even if a telecommunications company offers the lowest prices in the market, customers who experience poor service, connectivity issues, or unexpected charges on their bills are unlikely to remain satisfied and loyal to their products.

That is why telcos utilize machine learning (ML) models for various commercial purposes such as predicting customer churn and optimizing pricing strategies. Moreover, they have increasingly adopted these models to address service-related issues such as broadband connectivity faults, billing discrepancies, and recurrent failures. By leveraging these technologies extensively, telcos can incorporate service-related concerns into their decision-making processes.

However, achieving true omnichannel capabilities remains a challenge for many telcos. This entails aligning all inbound, outbound, automated, and human-assisted channels seamlessly, integrating both commercial and service-related interactions across all channels.

For example, Ooredoo Qatar partnered with Reailize to revolutionize its network operations through the Continuous Assurance (CA) solution. This partnership was put to the test during the World Cup, where Ooredoo Qatar faced an unprecedented surge in data traffic exceeding 800 terabytes and over 12 million voice calls. Reailize combines automation, AI, and customer experience metrics to detect network anomalies, identify root causes of issues, and propose actions based on predicted customer impact.

Another notable instance was conducted in 2023 when e& UAE announced the launch of the world's first autonomous telecom store, named 'EASE' (Etisalat by e& Autonomous Store Experience). This innovative store is powered by AI and features advanced technologies to enhance the customer purchasing journey. The autonomous store aims to redefine retail in the UAE by integrating AI, machine learning, facial recognition, smart gates, robotics, smart shelves, and smart dispensing machines.

The store offers a streamlined Pay & Pick (PAP) journey, allowing customers to explore a range of etisalat by e& products, select their desired items, and have them swiftly delivered by smart dispensing machines.

Closing Note

In this era of innovation, customer service automation isn't just a convenience; it's a game-changer. By harnessing the power of AI and cutting-edge technology, companies can elevate the customer experience to new heights, building lasting relationships and driving success in the digital age.

As AI becomes increasingly integrated into customer experience strategies, it is imperative to address the ethical considerations associated with its implementation. In 2024, businesses that utilize AI transparently and responsibly will distinguish themselves. Prior to implementing generative AI, thorough checks and validations are essential to prevent errors. Ensuring the accuracy of the data fed into generative AI and confirming that the designed customer service process aligns with the AI's capabilities are crucial steps in effectively managing AI-driven customer service.

Thus, starting small is advisable. It is recommended to begin where tangible value and benefits can be measured. For starters, using clean data and involving a select group of loyal customers in the design process to ensure a pathway to success, could work best.

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